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Brian Lawrence - What to do if you're new (and if you're not) - Alan Berg, CSP

Brian Lawrence – What to do if you’re new (and if you’re not) – Podcast transcript

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Brian Lawrence - What to do if you're new (and if you're not) - Alan Berg, CSPBrian Lawrence – What to do if you’re new (and if you’re not)

How effective is your website at guiding visitors to make an appointment? Are your booking options and pricing strategically placed for conversion? In this episode, we explore how to structure your event pages to not only inform but also lead visitors to take action. We discuss the importance of showcasing the unique “why” behind your brand and how to target specific niches to stand out in the wedding industry.

Listen to this new episode for guidance on creating a website that converts visitors into customers by emphasizing strategic placement and authentic content.

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Should you present one package or multiple in a proposal? - Alan Berg, CSP

Should you present one package or multiple in a proposal? – Podcast Transcript

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Should you present one package or multiple in a proposal? - Alan Berg, CSPShould you present one package or multiple in a proposal?

Ever wondered whether it’s better to present one package or multiple options in a proposal? How can offering multiple options affect a client’s decision-making process? What if a single package was all it took to streamline negotiations? Dive into these questions and explore strategies that might just redefine your approach to proposals.  Learn why less is more when offering packages and how creative naming can set your services apart. Tune in to find out how to retain control during the proposal stage.

Listen to this new 9-minute episode for insights on crafting proposals that meet client needs while enhancing your negotiation leverage.

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You've gotten them this far, now finish it! - Alan Berg, CSP

You’ve gotten them this far, now finish it! – Podcast Transcript

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You've gotten them this far, now finish it! - Alan Berg, CSPYou’ve gotten them this far, now finish it!


Do you ever feel like you can talk the talk but stumble when it’s crunch time? You’re not alone. Many excel in engagement and understanding customer needs, yet falter at the final hurdle—asking for the sale. Whether it’s in person or online, don’t wait for customers to say “yes.” Actively guide them to the decision. Read back their needs, confirm, and directly propose to finalize the deal. Remember, the responsibility to close is yours. 


Listen to this new 4-minute episode for no-nonsense advice on making it happen—because you’re just one bold move away from scoring those wins. 

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John Chen -Is virtual selling still a thing - Alan Berg, CSP

Is virtual selling still a thing? – With John Chen – Podcast Transcript

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John Chen -Is virtual selling still a thing - Alan Berg, CSPIs virtual selling still a thing? – With John Chen  

During the pandemic, a lot of you started to sell virtually (phone, zoom, etc.). Now that things have settled to the next normal, is virtual selling something you should be doing, or considering? I invited my friend John Chen, who’s a wizard at helping companies host virtual and hybrid (combination of in-person and virtual) meeting and events. His knowledge of the technology and the processes is fantastic, and whether you’ve been selling virtually, or not, and whether you like to do it, or not, there are some great tips and perspectives in this episode. 

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They don't value what they can't see - Alan Berg, CSP

They don’t value what they can’t see – Podcast Transcript

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They don't value what they can't see - Alan Berg, CSPThey don’t value what they can’t see 

So much of what you do to make weddings and events great, happens out of view of your customers. Are you getting paid for that time? Are your customers valuing the time you put in that they can’t see? In this episode I talk about ways to get them to understand the value that you bring, even when they can’t see the work you put into making the results amazing for them. 

Listen to this new 9-minute episode for ideas on how to value the work you put in, both for yourself and your customers.

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Problems are opportunities to improve - Alan Berg, CSP

Problems are opportunities to improve – Podcast Transcript

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Problems are opportunities to improve - Alan Berg, CSPProblems are opportunities to improve 

When customers come to you with problems, are you paying attention to how you can make this better, not just for them, but for other customers? I’ve had some experiences recently where all I got was passed from one department to another, with no on acknowledging that it was their system that was broken, not user error. Imagine having a problem logging in to a site and being told you need to contact support, only to be asked to log in to get in touch with support!! Well, that and a few other recent experiences have influenced this episode. 

Listen to this new 11-minute episode for a better view of how you can learn from customer problems, not only to fix this issue, but to create a better user experience going forward. 

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Mark Chapman - How is the wedding industry different now - Alan Berg, CSP

Mark Chapman – How is the wedding industry different now? – Podcast Transcript

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Mark Chapman - How is the wedding industry different now - Alan Berg, CSPMark Chapman – How is the wedding industry different now? 

You’ve probably noticed that things are different in the wedding industry, especially in the way today’s couples are, or are not, responding to your ads and messages. I asked my friend Mark Chapman, from the I Do Society, to come back on and talk about what he’s seeing. Advertising for wedding businesses is all Mark does, so he’s the perfect person to have this conversation with. Listen to this new guest episode for usable tips you and put into place, now. 

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Nothing works all of the time - Alan Berg, CSP

Nothing works all of the time – Podcast Transcript

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Nothing works all of the time - Alan Berg, CSPNothing works all of the time 

In this episode, I delve into a common challenge many wedding and event professionals face: the frustration when previously successful strategies start to falter. From interacting with clients across the industry, I’ve noticed a recurring theme—what once worked seamlessly may suddenly lose its effectiveness. 

Join me as I explore this reality and share my perspective on why certain methods may no longer deliver the desired results. Whether it’s your approach to handling inquiries or your sales process, I offer practical advice for navigating these obstacles and adapting to the ever-changing landscape of our industry. 

Listen in for valuable insights and guidance on recognizing when it’s time to reassess your methods and embrace change to drive success in your business. This 8-minute episode is packed with actionable strategies to help you stay ahead in the competitive world of weddings and events. 

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Sam Horn - Does your business POP - Alan Berg, CSP

Sam Horn – Does your business POP? – Podcast Transcript

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Sam Horn - Does your business POP - Alan Berg, CSPSam Horn – Does your business POP? 

After reading Sam Horn’s book “POP”, I just had to have her on to talk about how you can make your business stand out from the crowd. We talked about how the first 60 seconds can make or break your business. Sam also shared how to use AIR – Alliteration, Iambic and Rhyme when choosing a name for a business, product or service. She’s a great story-teller. 

Listen to this new episode and hear how you can use POP – Purposeful, Original, Pithy – to help your business stand out. 

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What to do with Wedding Expo leads - Alan Berg, CSP

What to do with Wedding Expo leads – Podcast Transcript

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What to do with Wedding Expo leads - Alan Berg, CSPWhat to do with Wedding Expo leads 

Thanks to Chuck in Philly for this suggestion. I’ve actually done another episode a while back on this, and it’s time for a refresher. The opportunity here is that 90% of the exhibitors at wedding expos won’t use the lead lists. To me, that’s just throwing money away. You paid to get in front of a unique audience that will never exist again. Why would you think that what happens at the show is the only thing you paid for. There are so many distractions for the attendees, and you can work hard to get their attention, but it’s fleeting. How many people walked by your booth and didn’t stop? Maybe they didn’t need your service, yet. Maybe you were too busy talking to others and they didn’t want to wait. Using the four lists, and yes that’s plural – lists – is the way to profit more from the show. 

Listen to this new 10-minute episode for ideas on how to maximize your ROI from wedding expos (and other types of trade shows). 

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