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You know what to do, but are you doing it? - Alan Berg, CSP

You know what to do, but are you doing it? – Podcast Transcript

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You know what to do, but are you doing it? - Alan Berg, CSPYou know what to do, but are you doing it? 

This isn’t a listener suggestion, rather it was inspired by things I’ve seen working with and listening to some of you, my clients and connections. For example, I’ve had people come to me and say that they’re not getting the response they want from their inquiries, and that they’re following what I taught them. Yet, when I look at how they’re replying, it’s not at all what I taught them (or have written about). Now, my way isn’t the only way to do things, but when you’ve convinced yourself that you’re doing something new, when you’re really doing things the same old way… and it’s not working, you have to take a hard look in the mirror. 

Listen to this new 8-minute episode for ideas on how to break out of the trap of not doing what you know you should be doing, personally and professionally.   

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Phil Jones - Do you know exactly what to say - Alan Berg, CSP

Phil M. Jones – Do you know exactly what to say? – Podcast Transcript

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Phil Jones - Do you know exactly what to say - Alan Berg, CSPPhil M. Jones – Do you know exactly what to say? 

After reading Phil. M Jones’ audio book “Exactly what to say”, I was hooked. So many of the things he talks about apply to your businesses, and mine. And then I read “Exactly How to Sell” and “Persuade to get paid”, which just reinforced that I had to have Phil on here to talk about how his ideas and concepts apply to wedding and event businesses, like yours.  

Listen to this new episode and hear common sense tips to help you, help more people buy your products and services. 

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Customers aren’t going to adapt to us! - Alan Berg, CSP

Customers aren’t going to adapt to us! – Podcast Transcript

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Customers aren’t going to adapt to us! - Alan Berg, CSPCustomers aren’t going to adapt to us! 

I’ve been seeing and hearing a lot of frustration from companies that stems from how they want to do business, but their customers want it done differently. When we’re the customer, the companies have to do business the way we want, or we’ll find someone else who will. It’s too easy these days to find another alternative. Are you doing things a certain way because it’s easier for you? Is it also easier for your customers? Or, are you adding friction that chases them away. 

Listen to this new 6-minute episode for for ideas and perspective so you can take a step back, and see if you’re making it harder for your customers.  

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Phil Gerbyshak - Do you have a sales system - Alan Berg, CSP

Phil Gerbyshak – Do you have a sales system? – Podcast Transcript

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Phil Gerbyshak - Do you have a sales system - Alan Berg, CSPPhil Gerbyshak – Do you have a sales system?   

Is your sales system a spreadsheet, a CRM or… you’re just winging it? I invited my friend Phil Gerbyshak to come on and talk about sales systems and processes, why they’re important and how you can get started, even with a small budget. Phil has been in sales and sales training for years and just launched the Modern Sales Success online course. 

Listen to this new episode for ideas on why you need a sales system, what to look for and how to be successful with it. 

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Is it procrastination or indecision - Alan Berg, CSP

Is it procrastination or indecision? – Podcast Transcript

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Is it procrastination or indecision - Alan Berg, CSPIs it procrastination or indecision? 

It’s frustrating when you get all of the good signals from the customer that they like what you’re offering, but they just won’t commit! Thanks to Marylee for this suggestion. We’ve all been there. What’s holding them back? For some, it’s just their personality type to procrastinate, and they do it on most decisions. For others it’s indecision, which is related to, but a little different from procrastination. Determining which it is will help you get them past it. 

Listen to this new 9-minute episode for perspective on procrastination versus indecision, and some ways you can help them move things forward. 

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What do you do when two customers want the same date? - Alan Berg, CSP

What do you do when two customers want the same date? – Podcast Transcript

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What do you do when two customers want the same date? - Alan Berg, CSPWhat do you do when two customers want the same date?  


Here’s another listener suggestion, this time from Euan in the UK. He had two couples asking about the same date (a good problem to have), and wasn’t sure the best way to handle the situation. I’m sure you’ve run into this, I know I have, and we don’t want them to feel like we’re adding pressure by just saying we have another inquiry (or enquiry). 


Listen to this 7 minute episode for some ideas on how to handle situations like this. And keep the suggestions coming! 

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Do you haveneed a strategic plan - Alan Berg, CSP

Kristin Arnold – Do you have/need a strategic plan? – Podcast Transcript

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Do you haveneed a strategic plan - Alan Berg, CSPKristin Arnold – Do you have/need a strategic plan? 

You’ve probably been told that you need a business plan, or a marketing plan, but do you have a Strategic Plan? I asked my friend Kristin Arnold to come on and talk about how a strategic plan is different than those other plans, what it is and why you should have one, regardless of the size of your business. 

Listen to this new episode for insight into strategic planning and two different ways you can go about it for your business. 

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How do you define success - Alan Berg, CSP

How do you define success? – Podcast Transcript

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How do you define success - Alan Berg, CSPHow do you define success? 

I’ve had this one on my list for a while to talk about on the podcast. When I work with businesses, large and small, one of the things I try to find out is how you define your success. It doesn’t matter how I define it, as you’re the one that has to do the work to get there. And when you get there, you want to feel satisfied with wherever that is. Too often we let others define success for us, and then we feel unfulfilled.

Listen to this new 8-minute episode for some perspective on what success can mean for you, and how to tune out the noise.

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Brian Lawrence- Making Your Website ADA Compatible - Alan Berg, CSP

Brian Lawrence – My site is ADA compatible, is yours? – Podcast Transcript

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Brian Lawrence- Making Your Website ADA Compatible - Alan Berg, CSP

Brian Lawrence – My site has enhanced accessibility to visitors with disabilities, does yours?

A while back I had someone on to talk about ADA compatibility for websites, and then… I didn’t do anything about it. Can you relate? So, I asked my friend and website expert, Brian Lawrence, to make my site more accessible. I couldn’t believe how easy it was (for me, since I didn’t have to do it), and how many different features there are, making my site more accessible to people not only with visual impairments but also those with ADHD, epilepsy, and more. So, I asked Brian to come back on to talk about what he did to my site to make it compatible, and how you can get yours checked, for free.

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When should you ask about their budget? - Alan Berg, CSP

When should you ask about their budget? – Podcast Transcript

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When should you ask about their budget? - Alan Berg, CSPWhen should you ask about their budget? 

This is another listener suggestion, this time from Marylee in Connecticut. When should you ask the customer, couple or client about their budget. It’s not an easy answer, as it will be different for different price points, different services (some are easier to explain) and frankly, for each of us. You’ve probably heard me say that since all budgets are made up (credit to Phil. M. Jones for that), they can all be changed.

Listen to this new 9-minute episode for some ideas on how and when to talk about budgets, no matter where you are on the price spectrum.

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