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Catersource/The Special Event 2022

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Catersource/The Special Event 2022

05/02/22 - 05/05/22, 12:00 am

Anaheim Convention Center: 800 W Katella Ave., Anaheim, CA


I’m so happy to be coming back to catersource and The Special Event Show in Anaheim. As always, I’ll be presenting multiple times.

Stop selling food and start selling the experience!
When you go out to eat, you usually choose the restaurant and then decide what to order once you see the menu. Even if you’ve been there before, you’ll still look for the specials before ordering. So why do so many caterers sell the food and the menu before selling the customer on choosing you as their caterer. Come to this session and hear:
  • How to get the customer to focus on what’s really important (and it’s not price)
  • How to show what’s different about you than the other caterers and venues, so you can profit more!
  • Where to express your USP – Unique Selling Proposition
  • How to get more inquiries through your website
Caterers and venues are chasing away prospects every day because they’re featuring food in their advertising and marketing. The food is a means to an end, which is a great event. When you find out WHY they’re bringing people together and ask about and talk about the results they want, and the results that only you can provide, they have to choose you!

Why Are They Ghosting Me? 9 reasons and how to fix them
Isn’t it frustrating to get an inquiry, respond right away and then… not hear back? Or you did have some back and forth messages and then… it goes quiet? You’ve been ghosted! Alan literally wrote the book “Why are they ghosting me?” and in this session he’ll share some of his tips for banishing the ghosts!
  • 9 reasons why they’re ghosting you, and how to fix them
  • How and when to move them to a call or meeting/tour
  • When, how and how often to follow up
  • When it’s time to move on
Ghosting is a problem that all businesses have, whether with inquiries, customers and when any conversation just stops, unexpectedly, and with no apparent reason. There are many reasons why and Alan has literally written the book on the reasons and how to fix them.

Is your website past its shelf life?
Your website is a package of products and services. Does it still reflect the products and services you deliver today, or is it past its shelf life? No matter how good the results are of what you do – great food, beautiful presentation, etc. – if your website isn’t representing you as an in-touch, up to date caterer or venue, you’re losing business and missing out on profits! Come to this session and hear:
  • How to know if you just need some updating or an overhaul
  • The best ways to show what’s really different about you
  • The 4 things you need on every page of your website
  • When it’s time for a new website
As soon as you launch or change your website there’s an invisible clock ticking towards the day when it’s time to tweak it again, overhaul it or replace it. That “expiration date” has passed for a lot of caterers, venues and event pros, and for others it’s looming. When is it time for an update and when is it time to start over? Since Alan literally wrote the book (“If your website was an employee, would you fire it?”) he’ll show the attendees which is the right path forward for them.

Get your tickets today:

Want to talk? Call/text +1.732.422.6362